Examining the Paschal Lamb

Hebrews 9

13 The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. 14 How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! 15 For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance—now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant.

Observing the Paschal
Lamb for Blemish

In relation to the Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread on Nissan the 14th, Nisan 10-13th is the period to observe the Paschal Lamb to make sure it is without blemish. The 10th of Nissan, Palm Sunday, begins the observation period.

This post will conclude the observation period where Jesus, as with the Paschal Lamb was observed for blemish, imperfection, or sin. During this period Jesus teaches in the Temple daily. Here are the themes and actions observed in

Jesus during the 4 days leading to the Passover and His crucifixion.

  1. Jesus shows love for all, including the outcast and shunned.
  2. Jesus foretells His own death.
  3. Jesus warns to be ready, be wise, and follow Him.
  4. Jesus then observes the Sadducees, rulers, and priests for blemish.

From the 10th to the 13th, the priests, Sadducees, Pharisees, and rulers observed and tested Jesus. The priests claimed to have found two main areas, they considered sin in Jesus. The first was that Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. The second was that Jesus threatened the Temple.

The leaders found Jesus guilty of claiming to be, exactly who He was, God the Son.

As to the destruction of the physical structure, Rome leveled it. Just a few decades after the crucifixion, the 2nd Temple was destroyed along with Jerusalem.

The Temple to be destroyed was His body. The destruction of His body was more timely. Three days later Jesus hung on the cross.

At the end of this post we will see the ball set in motion. The observation will be complete; the rulers and priests decided Jesus deserves to die, and conspire with one of Jesus’s disciples, Judas, to have Jesus arrested.

  • Jesus was without sin; He was who He claimed to be, God the Son.
  • Jesus did nothing to harm the 2nd Temple, But three days later, the temple of His body, was destroyed.

Blemish of Leaders
The Tables Turn

Then Jesus turns the table so to speak, Literally and figuratively. Jesus condemns the rulers, Sadducees, Pharisees, and priests. Starting the day of the 11th, Jesus explains about cursing the fig tree. The fig tree was barren of fruit and . The fig tree is often an image of Palestine.

Blemish of Leaders
Burdening the People

Next, Jesus condemns the Pharisees, rulers, priests, and Sadducees for making the 2nd Temple a market place. The people had to buy sacrifices. The sacrifices had to be purchased using Temple coin. 

In the courtyard the money changers had set up tables from which the people had exchange their coin for temple coin. The people lost money in the exchange. Jesus stated His Father’s House was to be a house of prayer.

Blemish of Leaders
Seeking of Glory
and Pridefulness

Next, Jesus condemned the leaders for seeking the honor of men rather than that of God. 

The Sadducees and priests had failed the task they had been given, to produce fruit.

To illustrate, Jesus tells the story of the vineyard owner. The owner puts workers in charge of the vineyard and goes away. After a time, the owner sent slaves to collect the fruits of the vineyard, but the workers sent them away empty-handed. Finally the owner sends his son. The evil workers in the vineyard kill the son.


Jesus Cared for the People

Jesus’s love is for all, including, maybe most significantly, the downtrodden and the outcasts. Jesus went to the house of Simon, the leper and ate a meal and talked. The pious religious leaders would have considered that group unclean and to be avoided.

Then there were Greeks seeking Jesus. Jesus told the God-fearing Greeks that if they follow Him, the Father would honor them. Jesus teaches the parables involving a wedding feast which ends with a message being sent out to the poor, to the outcast, and to the discarded, ‘ come to the feast!’

Jesus Foretells and
is Prepared for His Death

Jesus foretells:

  1. the destruction of Jerusalem
  2. the destruction of the temple
  3. His death,
  4. and His future return in glory.

Preparing Jesus for Death, fragrant oil is poured over His head. Jesus states that this anointing was done to prepare Him for burial.

Jesus Foretells
He Will Return for His Own

Finally, talking about His final return, Jesus stresses how crucial it is to be ready. Jesus told couple of parables Jesus told during this time relate to wedding feasts. In these parables there are two groups, one wise and one foolish. The foolish get left out of both feasts.

In one case the brides fail to get wedding clothing and are left out of the hall. In another parable, the groom returns in the night to get his bride. Half of the group had purchased oil for their lamps and were able to go out to meet the groom when He called out. Again, the foolish were left out.

Another time those who had been invited thought they had better things to do. In that case the servants were sent out to find those in the streets, the outcasts, to fill the feasting hall.

Are We Ready
for His Return

Oil is often related to the Holy Spirit.  New clothing is often related to new bodies. Those who follow Jesus will be changed.

  • Who do we follow?
  • Whose approval do we seek?
  • Do we want the praise of God or of people?

The parable of the sheep and the goats also divides people into camps. On one side are the people who thought they were following Him. They thought that they knew Him. Yet He says He does not know them. The other group is  told,

35 ‘For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36 naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’

Be ready, be empowered, and follow Him.

By the Day

11 Nisan
Paschal Lamb Observed

Jesus spends Monday in the 2nd Temple teaching and foreshadowing God removing His hand of protection from Israel and bringing salvation by grace through faith in Jesus the Messiah

  • Jesus Curses a Fig Tree for not Bearing Fruit – Fig Trees Often Relates to Palestine
  • With Faith All Things Are Possible – Faith Receives Forgiveness and Allows Us Forgiving Others
  • Non-Jewish Followers of Judaism seek Jesus ……. “If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me”

Jesus Interaction with Priests and Jewish Leaders – Mutual Observation

12 Nisan
Paschal Lamb Observed

  • Jesus Rebukes the Scribes and Pharisees for Seeking the Honor of Men Rather Than the Honor of God
  • God Honors Sacrificial Giving Out of Lack More Than Giving Little out of a Surplus

Jesus Predicts
Things to Come

  • There Will Be Wars, Plagues, Earthquakes and Famines
  • Those Following Jesus Will be Persecuted for His Sake
  • Jerusalem with Be Trampled
  • The Temple Will be Destroyed
  • Ten Virgins, 5 Had Oil and Entered the Wedding Feast, 5 did not – Jesus is Refereed to as the Bridegroom – Oil Often Represents the Holy Spirit
  • God Requires and Rewards Increased Return on the Gifts He Has Given Each of Us
  • Many Think They are in God’s Family but They do not Know Him, At the Return of Jesus they will be Separated Out
  • Be Prepared and Alert – Don’t be Left out When Jesus Returns

13 Nissan
Paschal Lamb Observed

Jesus Spends Wednesday in the Temple Teaching

  • Chief Priest and Elders Plot to Kill Jesus Before the Passover – Jesus Predicts His Death in two Days
  • Jesus Eats with the Unclean, Showing He Accepted Them
  • Fragrant Oil is Poured Over Jesus’s Head to Anointed Him for Burial
  • One of Jesus’s Companions Agrees to Betray Him to the Jewish Priests
  • Jesus Sends the Disciples to Prepare for the Passover

14 Nisan Thursday,
Begins at Sundown

The observation period of 10-13 Nisan ends at sundown on the 13th and Passover begins.

This evening is the 1st Passover Seder.


Sources and Further Reading

Biblical Sources

In general this includes:

Source Texts and Commentary

In general this includes:

Articles, Books, and Reflections

In general this includes: