Dignity: The Foundation for Human Rights

Host Harry Kreisler welcomes legal philosopher Jeremy Waldron for a discussion of Legal Concept of Dignity, its origins in law and morality and its emergence as a foundation for human rights. In the conversation, Professor Waldron also talks about the importance of preserving liberal values in the fight against terrorism, and, in this context, he criticizes […]

Is Your Life a Run Away Train?

Is Your Life a Run Away Train? David Reese, thouhtsofgod, thoughts of God, mythoughts, David Reese

The other day I had the television on in the background while I listened to The History of Christian Theology. The movie on television was the The Lone Ranger with Johnny Deep and Armie Hammer. Not usually a movie that would interest me, but I left it on. Like many good westerns, the original Lone […]

Finished, Paid in Full, and Blotted Out

having been; blotted out, wiped away, obliterated, rubbed out - it is; finished, completed, paid, fulfilled, accomplished - having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Colossians 2:14 - Τετέλεσται, Tetelestai, ἐξαλείφω, exaleiphó, mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God, David Reese

To be saved, is to confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord- (Yehoshua=Joshua+YHWH — YHWH is salvation) along with believing in your heart (our center, mind, will, intention) that God raised Him from the dead. This is salvation, salvation from being separated from God. This is what it means to be born again. […]

The Power of a Word

The Power of a Word, David Reese, mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, Thoughts of God

The goal is to move past the point when you do anything, to the point where God is the only one acting. Anytime you are active (thinking), it is from your seat of power, the heart or the will. So when the mind wanders

infinite intellect

What would "infinite intellect" be like? The shear magnitude of the consideration is overwhelming. This blatant limit in our understanding, for I perceive I am not alone and labor to understand ideas and objects. Other ideas remain outside of any human catagories of thought to have ever existed. mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God

Just to consider “infinite intellect” is awe inspiring.  To imagine the shear magnitude of information involved in infinite intellect can be disorientating. Knowing that our understandings limited is inescapable. I am not alone, in that I have to labor to understand ideas and objects which enter my thought. Still there are thoughts or ideas which have yet to […]