Shaddai: Sufficient or Almighty

Shaddai (Sufficient/Almighty, Hebrew šad·day, שַׁדָּי) Occurs along with El, Occurs independently as a name of God, (see Job) LXX sometimes παντοκράτωρ the word as ("He who is sufficient") thoughtsofgod mythougths, thoughts of God

    Shaddai (Sufficient/Almighty, Hebrew šad·day, שַׁדָּי) Occurs along with El, Occurs independently as a name of God, (see Job) LXX., sometimes παντοκράτωρ the word as (“He who is sufficient”)

Ehyeh: I AM – אהיה

Ehyeh (I AM, Hebrew: אהיה) plural Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh (I Am that I Am) God is Past, Present, and Future Ehyeh denotes God's potency in the present and future, "I will be because I will be" mythoguhts thoughtsofgod thoughts of God

  Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh (I Am that I Am) God is Past, Present, and Future Ehyeh denotes God’s potency in the present and future, “I will be because I will be”

Adonai: Lord or Master

Adonai (Lord/Master, ad-o-noy', אֲדֹנָי) The singular form means “master, owner.” implying Authority, Provider Adonai ( = "Lord"), The MT has replaced the tetragrammaton (יהוה‎) YHWH with Lord, mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God

    Adonai (Lord/Master, ad-o-noy’, אֲדֹנָי) plural The singular form means “master, owner.” implying Authority, Provider Adonai ( = “Lord”), The MT has replaced the tetragrammaton (יהוה‎) YHWH with Lord

Elohim (God) אלהים

Elohim (God) Hebrew: אלהים The plural form of EL, meaning “strong one.” creative work of all sovereignty over all denotes multiplied power, Almighty often read instead of YHWH YHWH is sometimes written with Elohim's vowels Eloah אלה, Elohim’s root is a feminine noun, meaning goddess

Elohim (God) (Hebrew: אלהים) The plural form of EL, meaning “strong one.” creative work of all sovereignty over all denotes multiplied power, Almighty often read instead of YHWH YHWH is sometimes written with Elohim’s vowels  Eloah אלה, Elohim’s root is a feminine noun, meaning goddess  

El: (God, Hebrew, ale, אֵל)

El: from a root word meaning—might, strength, power. True God of Israel. El Elohe Israel (God, the God of Israel) El Gibbor (Hero God) El Hai (Living God) El Olam (Everlasting God) God’s Immutability (Gen. 16:13). El Ro'i (Seeing God), El Shaddai (Almighty God) God’s loving supply and comfort; His power as the Almighty

El: from a root word meaning—might, strength, power. True God of Israel.   El Elohe Israel (God, the God of Israel) El Gibbor (Hero God) El Ḥai (Living God) El Olam (Everlasting God) Emphasizes God’s Immutability and is connected with His inexhaustibleness (Gen. 16:13). El Ro’i (Seeing God), El Shaddai (Almighty God) God’s loving supply […]

Chapter 2 – The Baptism with the Holy Ghost

The Holy Spirit A B Simpson Chapter 2 – The Baptism with the Holy Ghost It is scarcely necessary to say that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is our union with the living personality of the Spirit. It is not an influence. It is not a notion, nor a feeling, nor a power, nor a joy, into which we are submerged; but it is a heart of love, a mind of intelligence, a living being as real as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and as real as our own personality.

  “He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.” Matt. 3: 11. This sounds almost like an echo of the last promise of the Old Testament. The voice of “the Messenger” is taken up by “the Forerunner.” “He is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap; and He shall sit as […]