Van Gogh’s uncertainty as to what he might be is typical. The inventor whether artist or thinker, creates the structure of his psychic life by means of his works. As C G Jung remarks: “The work in process becomes the poets fate and determines his psychic development It is not Goethe who creates Faust but Faust which creates Goethe!”

I prefer to let creativity come out of what I am, rather than my becoming being based on my creations. For me, the creative process is more an expression of the structure seen in the minds eye, rather than something that is determinate in forming my psyche.  I admit, the simple act of  focusing on that which being created, in order to distill the expression, strengthens the structure from which the idea forms. This observation can be seen as a molding my concept or it could be considered a comparison of what I want to convey, allowing for direction or adjustment.

“The Creative Process: a Symposium” is a collection of descriptions, thoughts, letters, and conversations of 38 creative thinkers related to the creative process, edited by Brewster Ghiselin


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