As I reflect on my thoughts and desires, I can see a pursuit for Eureka! I have a hunger for Eureka!/Aha! 

Working definition – Eureka!/Aha! – a positive response to a discovery. Eureka!/Aha! includes satisfaction or joy.

 This realization led me to consider a few questions:

Truth and life seem connected to all my memories of Eureka!/Aha!

Truth and life are visible in the accounts of other people telling about their experience of Eureka!/Aha!

Truth and life are almost always present in the stories of others. When I have talked to people who recognize having experienced Eureka!/Aha! moments in their lives, a new understanding of truth can be identified.

When I feel Eureka!/Aha!, the resulting life and truth feel complete; at that moment, nothing seems wanting. Oh, I am aware that people have a finite perspective. At the same time there seems to be a completeness of understanding when we perceive Eureka!/Aha! The life experienced in a Eureka!/Aha! moment does not need all truth that can be known about that idea/object revealed to be full/complete. For example, at this time, we do not understand the causes of the graviton, or even what rule determine the graviton to act like a boson rather than a fermion. We do not know if graviton has a one or a two integer spin, much less the reason why. When new things have been learned about gravity, the Eureka!/Aha! and the possibilities of the new understanding run through the mind before any lament about the still unknown. We may lament not understanding more but there is a delay. What affects the length of the delay would be an interesting exercise. I see this in the things of God. When God reveals something of Himself, we see truth, we are enlivened, we glory in what we see of God. We do not lament unknown revelation, at least initially. The bottom line is that our nature perceives Eureka!/Aha! when it participates with life and truth.

At times Eureka!/Aha! can seem too strong. We can feel so much life/truth that we do not think we can take anymore. We can feel like an old wine skin overflowing with new wine, full to bursting. Eureka!/Aha! can be all enveloping, all saturating, all satisfying.

As I see it, Eureka!/Aha! is the lower level in the analogy of life in the Spirit of God.  Jesus claimed to be the ‘the Way, the Truth, the Life.’ It seems to me that our relationship with God is our highest relationship to life and truth.

Too many times I have heard Christians say, “we are not to be directed or even nudged by our feelings.” This is not sound. “16 Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 17 Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.”

These things are emotionally pleasant.

All Christians can remember times when we have been convicted by God’s revealing of Himself. Too often we wallow in the shame when we see our actions as failures. I would argue that that response is flawed. The result of God’s conviction should be acceptance of God’s ways and a thanks that He is actively leading us toward Him, the Truth. Stopping at shame thwarts the good which God has prepared us. It also causes us pain. The truth here is God’s holiness. The indirect application of this truth is some degree of lament over out relation or rather opposition to that holiness/

Now, I return to the former questions about Eureka!/Aha!

Most images related to Eureka!/Aha! are of people looking up and/or smiling. The amplitude of Eureka!/Aha! can vary greatly, from finding an object around the house that you thought you lost months ago to coming up with a concept new to current information.