Your Own Emotions Have Cut You Off from Us

Most, if not all creeds, mark a clear point when a group, large or small, separated into its own group/division. Comparing one creed to the creed before it, on the same branch, we can see what the points of contention were between different believing groups.
Fooled – Kierkegaard – Relation Between Truth and Belief

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. Søren Kierkegaard, Thoughts of God
Is Your Life a Run Away Train?

The other day I had the television on in the background while I listened to The History of Christian Theology. The movie on television was the The Lone Ranger with Johnny Deep and Armie Hammer. Not usually a movie that would interest me, but I left it on. Like many good westerns, the original Lone […]
Recognition of Authority: A Greater Faith

In the end the centurion not only believed that Christ could heal, that Christ would have compassion on his servant, that Christ had power over other messengers gifted with the required faith and abilities.
Sales or Marketing: How Should the Church Function?

Our task is to yield to the Spirit in such a way as to display the “Imago Dei”, image of God in us. It is Christ who attracts. It is God’s work that we believe.