OTHER CHARACTERISTICS -The Varieties of Religious Experience

In this lecture we must revert to description again, and finish our picture of the religious consciousness by a word about some of its other characteristic elements.
MYSTICISM – The Varieties of Religious Experience

Mystical conditions may, therefore, render the soul more energetic in the lines which their inspiration favors. But this could be reckoned an advantage only in case the inspiration were a true one. If the inspiration were erroneous, the energy would be all the more mistaken and misbegotten.

These examples may suffice to acquaint us in a general way with the phenomenon technically called “Conversion.”
Your Own Emotions Have Cut You Off from Us

Most, if not all creeds, mark a clear point when a group, large or small, separated into its own group/division. Comparing one creed to the creed before it, on the same branch, we can see what the points of contention were between different believing groups.
God Will Rejoice Over You

The idea of Joy in another and God’s joy in us gave me joy today. God has joy in our joy. We have joy in the service of fellowship and to others. There is value and truth in our experiencing joy.
Readings – Books That Have Influenced My Journey

Here are a few books which have been influential in my journey. A.B. Simpson (1843 to 1919) was a Presbyterian Minister who promoted a consciousness of global evangelism. He founded the Christian and Missionary Alliance The Holy Spirit or Power from on High – Vol 2 by A.B. Simpson This 2 volume set by A.B. […]