Fourth Letter – THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD – Brother Lawrence

I have taken the liberty to impart to you these good sentiments that you may compare them with your own. May they serve to re-kindle them, if at any time they may be even a little cooled.
Third Letter – THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD – Brother Lawrence

I hope the affliction God has sent him will help him do some reflection and inner searching and that it may prove to be a wholesome remedy to him. It is a chance for him to put all his trust in God who accompanies him everywhere. Let him think of Him as much as he can, especially in time of great danger.
Second Letter – THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD – Brother Lawrence

In conversation some days ago a devout person told me the spiritual life was a life of grace, which begins with servile fear, which is increased by hope of eternal life, and which is consummated by pure love.
First Letter – THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD – Brother Lawrence

Brother Lawrence’s letters are the very heart and soul of what is titled ‘The Practice of the Presence of God’. All of these letters were written during the last ten years of his life.
Second Conversation – THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD – Brother Lawrence

Brother Lawrence said the greatest pains or pleasures of this world were not to be compared with what he had experienced of both kinds in a spiritual state. As a result he feared nothing, desiring only one thing of God.
First Conversation – THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD – Brother Lawrence

Brother Lawrence related that we should establish ourselves in a sense of God’s Presence by continually conversing with Him. It was a shameful thing to quit His conversation to think of trifles and fooleries.