For the Christian, Everything Should Serve for Edification – Kierkegaard

… it may well seem to them too rigorous to be edifying, and too edifying to be strictly scientific …. From the Christian point of view everything, indeed everything should serve for edification.… This relation of the Christian teaching to life (in contrast with a scientific aloofness from life), or this ethical side of Christianity, […]
Lord, Lord, Did We Not

In Matthew 7, Jesus makes a statement that should give each of us pause to consider our personal relationship with Him. Jesus said that not everyone who calls out to Him “Κύριε, Κύριε”, “Lord, Lord” are of His flock, the household of God. If people who claimed to follow Jesus, to the point of producing miracles, did […]
Books of Value in My Journey in Christ

Here are a few books which have been of value to me in my journey. The Holy Spirit or Power from on High – Vol 2 by A.B. Simpson This 2 volume set by A.B. Simpson is a high level overview of the actions of Holy Spirit as seen throughout the Bible. Volume 2 deals […]
Is Your Life a Run Away Train?

The other day I had the television on in the background while I listened to The History of Christian Theology. The movie on television was the The Lone Ranger with Johnny Deep and Armie Hammer. Not usually a movie that would interest me, but I left it on. Like many good westerns, the original Lone […]
Prayer – 1 – The Tabernacle – The Dwelling of Priestly Service

Jesus, the anointed, is the perfect High Priest. Having made the perfect sacrifice, Himself on the cross, the veil separating the Holy of Holies was torn, indicating that the way to God was no longer separating the presence of God from the priests as they serve at the furniture in the Tabernacle:
Visualize and Imagine What You Want to Become in Christ

First, ask God, what do you want me to be like. Then, imagine what that would look like in your life. Maybe it would help to think of a person who exemplifies that office, fruit, gift, or trait. Then I think of how that would look in your life.