Your Own Emotions Have Cut You Off from Us
![3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. 5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, dbr, mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God](
Most, if not all creeds, mark a clear point when a group, large or small, separated into its own group/division. Comparing one creed to the creed before it, on the same branch, we can see what the points of contention were between different believing groups.
Prayer – 1 – The Tabernacle – The Dwelling of Priestly Service
![Camp, Dan, 157600, Asher, 41500, Dan, 62700, Naphtali, 53400, Ephraim, 180100, Manasseh, 32200, Ephraim, 40500, Benjamin, 35400, Gad, 45650, Rueben, 46500, Simeon, 59300, 151450, Judah, 186400, 74600, Zebulun, 57400, Issachar, 54400, Kohath, keh-hawth', 8600, Levites, Merari, mer-aw-ree', 6200, Gereshon, gay-resh-one', 7500, Moses, mo-sheh', Aaron, a-har-one', Court of the Tabernacle, khaw-tsare', mish-kawn', ןכשמה, רצח, 100x50x5, mishkan: dwelling place, tabernacle, mish-kawn', ןכשמ, Brazen Altar, nekh-o'-sheth, miz-bay'-akh, תשחנה, חבזמ, 5x5x3, Basin, laver, Copper, Bronze, kee-yore', nekh-o'-sheth, Table of the Presence, shewbread, shool-khawn', paw-neem', םינפה, ןחלש, 2x1x1.5 , Lampstand, men-o-raw', הרנמה, 1x1x2 , The Holy Place , Most Holy Place, Holy of Holies, Golden Altar, zaw-hawb', miz-bay'-akh, בהזה, חבזמ, 1x1x2 , Veil,Curtain, po-reh'-keth, תכרפ , Ark of the Covenant, aw-rone', ber-eeth', ־תירב, ןורא, 2.5x1.5x1.5, All measurements are in cubits, 18”, 1.5 feet, mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of god, David Reese](
Jesus, the anointed, is the perfect High Priest. Having made the perfect sacrifice, Himself on the cross, the veil separating the Holy of Holies was torn, indicating that the way to God was no longer separating the presence of God from the priests as they serve at the furniture in the Tabernacle:
Prayer – Relating Our Life of Prayer to The Tabernacle
![Kierkegaard Prayer Does not Change God It Changes the One Who Offers It](
Finally, Prayer is not meant to change God, who is immutable, not of shifting shadow. Prayer is meant to change us. We are as shifting shadows, “14Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. “
Be Driven by the Spirit of God, Not by Life in Pursuit of Intoxication
![To pursue a life of intoxication, the dismissal of moral inhibitions. Love for Christ is the first or initiating love which a Christian perceives upon asking Jesus the Christ to remove their sins and become the Lord, director of my life. * When I first completed this post, I unfortunately left the computer, prior to closing the file, well enough said. My content was lost. My initial response was to say, “the heck with it", "I received what satisfied me", "no need to redo the research”, The Lord did not confirm that line of thought so I have rewritten this post. Let those who have an ears hear. This may only by for you. mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God](
The Ephesians seem to have achieved part of this admonition but they lost the impetus which is the filling of the Spirit. In Revelations chapter 2 we see the that the Ephesians exposed darkness:
1) Importance of prayer – Prayer: What’s It All About?
![Prayer: What's It All About? A Study, mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God, David B. Reese](
intensity, union, and communion that will radically alter the way we live our lives….Prayer above all else is conversation with God. It is the primary speech of the true self to the true God.