Do Christians Believe in Miracles?

For a Christian ‘yes’ is the only answer to the question, “has God worked through miracles?” Christianity falls if miracles do not exist.
Speak and Act God

Sometimes when I read or listen to C S Lewis it can be dusty or drab. Well last night was not one of those times. Last night fit into the category where about everything I read of his seemed bright, like a ray reflected through the living jewels or fiery gems he wrote into Narnia. […]
For to Me, to Live Is Christ and to Die Is Gain

For me there is no question. “To die is gain” and “to live is Christ”. I am confident that the minute I die, will be followed by movement into the presence of God. If that is not gain, I don’t know what is.
Nygren’s Agape and Eros: A Transvaluation of Love

In Greco-Hellenism the gods do not love man. In Christianity, not only is God Agape but Agape is His very nature. In Greco-Roman world the gods do not take part in a fellowship with man, Christianity places fellowship in the middle of the Agape motif. Finally, Christianity is theocentric while Greek thought is egocentric.