Buy the More Enduring Story – St. Columba

The Judgment of Colum Cille 7 December 521 – 9 June 597 AD - Since all the world is but a story, it were well for thee to buy the more enduring story, rather than the story that is less enduring - St Columba of Scotland, David Reese, mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God

“Since all the world is but a story, it were well for thee to buy the more enduring story, rather than the story that is less enduring” – The Judgment of Colum Cille Life is short, fragile, arbitrary, and unpredictable. Like anything, it saturates the mind with repetition. The longer we live, the more we see and […]

Rachel and the Wedding Feast: A Child’s Tale

Rachel and the Wedding Feast-A Child's Tale. Matthew 25:1 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. mythpoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God. dbr, David Reese, David B. Reese

Matthew 25:1 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.     [slideshow_deploy id=’393′]   I have been wanting to attempt a children’s book, and this assignment lent itself to such an endeavor. I have attempted to create a story for […]

Compound Blessings Like Taxes

Compound Blessings Like Taxes, Just think, it could be blessings like taxes. The government received taxes on the same income or the same product more than once. Buy a car from a dealer, sell the car, the buyer resells the car- how many layers of tax? Joy and blessing could literally have more compounding than taxes. And with taxes, there is not the same likely hood of joy popping up in the process. mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God

You would almost certainly experience more pleasure watching someone you care for starting, gathering, completing, or reaping the fruit of something in the area where you have passion. And, another will receive a blessing as you support them. This can be anyone you would like to see gain new experience and blessing