Finished, Paid in Full, and Blotted Out

To be saved, is to confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord- (Yehoshua=Joshua+YHWH — YHWH is salvation) along with believing in your heart (our center, mind, will, intention) that God raised Him from the dead. This is salvation, salvation from being separated from God. This is what it means to be born again. […]
Speak and Act God

Sometimes when I read or listen to C S Lewis it can be dusty or drab. Well last night was not one of those times. Last night fit into the category where about everything I read of his seemed bright, like a ray reflected through the living jewels or fiery gems he wrote into Narnia. […]
Compound Blessings Like Taxes

You would almost certainly experience more pleasure watching someone you care for starting, gathering, completing, or reaping the fruit of something in the area where you have passion. And, another will receive a blessing as you support them. This can be anyone you would like to see gain new experience and blessing