Early Church Councils and Creeds

Studying creeds of the church is a great way to learn of the history of the Church. Every creed is written to settle a controversy or to clarify some theological point.
Fourth Conversation – THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD – Brother Lawrence

We might accustom ourselves to a continual conversation with Him with freedom and in simplicity. We need only to recognize God intimately present with us and address ourselves to Him every moment.
Visualize and Imagine What You Want to Become in Christ

First, ask God, what do you want me to be like. Then, imagine what that would look like in your life. Maybe it would help to think of a person who exemplifies that office, fruit, gift, or trait. Then I think of how that would look in your life.
Matthew 6:1-24 Intrinsic Reward v Extrinsic Reward – Nestling the Lord’s Pray

Lord, Let me breathe your Word. May every day start with my trusting You for my needs. May your provisions for my life’s needs lead me to explore the needs of my spirit, needs for which You have also prepared a provision.
Recognition of Authority: A Greater Faith

In the end the centurion not only believed that Christ could heal, that Christ would have compassion on his servant, that Christ had power over other messengers gifted with the required faith and abilities.
1) Importance of prayer – Prayer: What’s It All About?

intensity, union, and communion that will radically alter the way we live our lives….Prayer above all else is conversation with God. It is the primary speech of the true self to the true God.