First Conversation – THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD – Brother Lawrence

Brother Lawrence related that we should establish ourselves in a sense of God’s Presence by continually conversing with Him. It was a shameful thing to quit His conversation to think of trifles and fooleries.
Diminishing and Disparaging the Mentally Ill

The disparaging statements made about Kanye West and his medical conditions have troubled me. I understand there may be reasons not to like what Kanye had to say, but this is about mental health. Simply stated, I have bipolar disorder.
Who Has the Aptitude for Contemplative Work?

The one who experiences God working in the depths of his spirit has the aptitude for contemplation and no one else.
Who Should Take up Contemplation?

These people, even if they have at one time been habitual sinners, should devote themselves to nourishing the grace of contemplative prayer.
Life and Hope Through Adversity and Affliction

God is present with us in affliction. He softens the heart. He grows mercy. He gives empathy. He empowers us to do as we see Him do.
Finished, Paid in Full, and Blotted Out

To be saved, is to confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord- (Yehoshua=Joshua+YHWH — YHWH is salvation) along with believing in your heart (our center, mind, will, intention) that God raised Him from the dead. This is salvation, salvation from being separated from God. This is what it means to be born again. […]