Acceptance with Joy: Hind’s Feet

The tiny plant answered at once in a tone as golden as itself, “Behold me! My name is Acceptance-with-Joy!“
Passing the Flame

Passing the flame sounds like abdicating responsibility. Passing the flame is anything but retiring when it comes to representing the kingdom of God. There is a sense of multiplication as the children of God mature and go forth in the work of God, earnestly desiring to see others reconciled to God. It is good to see […]
Chapter 1 – The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ

The Holy Spirit … comes to us as the Spirit of Christ …. Look at the relation of the Holy Ghost to the person of our Lord in His first baptism and earthly ministry.
Welcome to Thoughts of God!

Love of God and Love of your neighbor form the crux of the covenant God made with Israel through Moses, as well as the church, τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ, those called out of the world, into the kingdom of God.