Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment – κατακαυχᾶται ἔλεος κρίσεως

At this point, I think true justice is actually judgement based on mercy and its application, especially to the sick soul.
Matthew 6:1-24 Intrinsic Reward v Extrinsic Reward – Nestling the Lord’s Pray

Lord, Let me breathe your Word. May every day start with my trusting You for my needs. May your provisions for my life’s needs lead me to explore the needs of my spirit, needs for which You have also prepared a provision.
Sales or Marketing: How Should the Church Function?

Our task is to yield to the Spirit in such a way as to display the “Imago Dei”, image of God in us. It is Christ who attracts. It is God’s work that we believe.
Moses Prayer to God: Can There Be a Better Prayer?

By prayer we can all ask this same question, “let me know Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight”. As I have thought for the last bit, I can not think of a more basic prayer,
Be Driven by the Spirit of God, Not by Life in Pursuit of Intoxication

The Ephesians seem to have achieved part of this admonition but they lost the impetus which is the filling of the Spirit. In Revelations chapter 2 we see the that the Ephesians exposed darkness:
Rich Mullins & A Ragamuffin Band – 1997 (Full Broadcast)

Oh God, You are my God