Paul Appeals to the Corinthian Church: II Corinthians 6

We have the promise that we are God’s temple, companions, people, and children. The church is called to complete separation/distinction by cleansing the things which defile the flesh and spirit (see 6:14-16a).
Welcome to Thoughts of God!

Love of God and Love of your neighbor form the crux of the covenant God made with Israel through Moses, as well as the church, τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ, those called out of the world, into the kingdom of God.
Nygren’s Agape and Eros: A Transvaluation of Love

In Greco-Hellenism the gods do not love man. In Christianity, not only is God Agape but Agape is His very nature. In Greco-Roman world the gods do not take part in a fellowship with man, Christianity places fellowship in the middle of the Agape motif. Finally, Christianity is theocentric while Greek thought is egocentric.
May 22, 1995 – Master of Divinity – Princeton Theological Seminary

1991 to 1995 Master of Divinity, Princeton Theological Seminary -I had to take one semester off due to depression. This was my course schedule. Self reference David Reese