To You We Ascribe All Credit and Glory

Give to your servants words to speak Your truth,
The message You have place in our hearts, the message clear as any crystal chime.
Lord we cry, Holy, Holy, Holy, You oh Lord are Holy.
infinite intellect

Just to consider “infinite intellect” is awe inspiring. To imagine the shear magnitude of information involved in infinite intellect can be disorientating. Knowing that our understandings limited is inescapable. I am not alone, in that I have to labor to understand ideas and objects which enter my thought. Still there are thoughts or ideas which have yet to […]
Prayer – 1 – The Tabernacle – The Dwelling of Priestly Service

Jesus, the anointed, is the perfect High Priest. Having made the perfect sacrifice, Himself on the cross, the veil separating the Holy of Holies was torn, indicating that the way to God was no longer separating the presence of God from the priests as they serve at the furniture in the Tabernacle:
Visualize and Imagine What You Want to Become in Christ

First, ask God, what do you want me to be like. Then, imagine what that would look like in your life. Maybe it would help to think of a person who exemplifies that office, fruit, gift, or trait. Then I think of how that would look in your life.
Build Up and Accept Rather Than Tear Down and Separate

Build up and accept rather than tear down and separate. I want to encourage those who trust Christ but feel isolated and hurt, Christ accepts you and will build you until the end.
My Grace is Sufficient for You

7 Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me—to keep me from exalting myself! 8 Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. 9 And He has said to me, […]