Did Jesus’s Audience Say Jesus Claimed to Be God

In Did Jesus Claim to be God, I said that I would post some of the verses I collected in putting that post together. This post will have the verses in which others make claims of Jesus. There will be other post with verses related to “I Am” where Jesus claims, a) to be God, b) to be the Son of […]
The Kingdom of Heaven – ἡ βασιλεία τῶν οὐρανῶν (is like)

οὐρανός, οῦ, ὁ (n) ouranos, heaven, dwelling of gods and spirits, independent of earth, vault as sky, universe
βασιλεία, ας, ἡ (n) basileia, kingdom, royal rule, sovereignty
Chapter 1 – The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ

The Holy Spirit … comes to us as the Spirit of Christ …. Look at the relation of the Holy Ghost to the person of our Lord in His first baptism and earthly ministry.