πρoσεύχoμαι, pros-yoo’-khom-ahee; To Pray To Supplicate

πρoσεύχoμαι, pros-yoo’-khom-ahee; to pray to God, i.e. supplicate, worship: – pray (*earnestly, for), make prayer.
ἐρωτάω, er-o-tah’-o; Ask, Beseech, Desire, Entreat, Pray, Question, Request

ἐρωτάω, er-o-tah’-o; appar. from _ρέω to interrogate, by impl. to request: – ask, beseech, desire, entreat, pray, question, request.
Names of God in the Bible

To Whom am I to pray? To whom am I to communicate? With whom am I to commune? Islam prays to الله Allāh, Judeo Christians to YHWH/God, Christians to Jesus, Hinduism to Shiva, Brahma, and Indra, The list of names used to address God is longer than the total number of languages which have existed. […]