Your Own Emotions Have Cut You Off from Us

Most, if not all creeds, mark a clear point when a group, large or small, separated into its own group/division. Comparing one creed to the creed before it, on the same branch, we can see what the points of contention were between different believing groups.
Rich Mullins & A Ragamuffin Band – 1997 (Full Broadcast)

Oh God, You are my God
God’s Spirit Spoke to the Prophets and Gave Them Visions

As He spoke to me the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet; and I heard Him speaking to me.” Ezekiel 2
Christian Mysticism – Life in Christ

The simple desire for living in the presence of God indicates that the journey has began. Abiding in Christ often begins with appreciating what God has already done. This appreciation is worship.