Fourth Conversation – THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD – Brother Lawrence

We might accustom ourselves to a continual conversation with Him with freedom and in simplicity. We need only to recognize God intimately present with us and address ourselves to Him every moment.
Short Habitual Grace Series – You Tube

‘Habitual Grace’ is the grace that God give to His children which adheres to the soul, Justifying grace and sanctifying grace are habitual graces.
The Holy Spirit or Power from on High

Human Love is human; “love in the Spirit” is the love of God within us. It is the love of the Holy Ghost Himself, filling and flowing in our Hearts. A B Simpson
Sales or Marketing: How Should the Church Function?

Our task is to yield to the Spirit in such a way as to display the “Imago Dei”, image of God in us. It is Christ who attracts. It is God’s work that we believe.
Sanctification Depends on Doing for God’s Sake

That it was lamentable to see how many people mistook the means for the end, addicting themselves to certain works, which they performed very imperfectly, by reason of their human or selfish regards.
Christian Mysticism – Life in Christ

The simple desire for living in the presence of God indicates that the journey has began. Abiding in Christ often begins with appreciating what God has already done. This appreciation is worship.