THE SICK SOUL – The Varieties of Religious Experience

With such relations between religion and happiness, it is perhaps not surprising that men come to regard the happiness which a religious belief affords as a proof of its truth. If a creed makes a man feel happy, he almost inevitably adopts it.
CONVERSION – The Varieties of Religious Experience

To be converted, to be regenerated, to receive grace, to experience religion, to gain an assurance, are so many phrases which denote the process, gradual or sudden, by which a self hitherto divided, and consciously wrong inferior and unhappy, becomes unified and consciously right superior and happy, in consequence of its firmer hold upon religious realities.
Aristotle on Unity: When Every Part of the Soul Desires the Same Objects

He wishes for himself both what is, and what he believes to be, good; and he does it (it being characteristic of the good man to work at what is good)
Aristotle – Practical Wisdom and Science Different Parts of the Soul

Well, we have now stated the nature and objects of Practical Wisdom and Science respectively, and that they belong each to a different part of the Soul. But I can conceive a person questioning their utility. “Science,” he would say, “concerns itself with none of the causes of human happiness (for it has nothing to […]
Aristotle – Three functions of the Soul; Sense, Intellect, and Appetition

Aristotle – Nicomachean Ethics – There are in the Soul three functions on which depend moral action and truth; Sense, Intellect, Appetition, whether vague Desire or definite Will.
The Two Parts of the Soul – the Irrational and the Rational

Aristotle – Nicomachean Ethics – The Soul consists of two parts, the Irrational and the Rational (as to whether these are actually divided, as are the parts of the body,