Be Driven by the Spirit of God, Not by Life in Pursuit of Intoxication

The Ephesians seem to have achieved part of this admonition but they lost the impetus which is the filling of the Spirit. In Revelations chapter 2 we see the that the Ephesians exposed darkness:
Would I Know You Now?

Do I see You living and working in my brothers and sisters?
1) Importance of prayer – Prayer: What’s It All About?

intensity, union, and communion that will radically alter the way we live our lives….Prayer above all else is conversation with God. It is the primary speech of the true self to the true God.
God’s Spirit Spoke to the Prophets and Gave Them Visions

As He spoke to me the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet; and I heard Him speaking to me.” Ezekiel 2
Chapter 1 – The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ

The Holy Spirit … comes to us as the Spirit of Christ …. Look at the relation of the Holy Ghost to the person of our Lord in His first baptism and earthly ministry.
Expect Ourselves to Be Assailed by Eight Deadly Thoughts

” … one of the things I found … through all spiritual writers, that is people who are concerned with bringing to fullness, in our lives, the work of Christ, and that’s the work of God the Holy Spirit….all of them agree that after we are converted we can expect ourselves to be assailed by […]