Varieties of Religious Experience – William James

The course is not anthropological, but deals with personal documents. Percepts versus abstract concepts-Happiness is man’s chief concern-Healthy-mindedness and repentance- Heterogeneous personality- Sudden conversion- Testing human value of its fruits- Mysticism defined- Primacy of feeling in religion- Philosophy a secondary function- Aesthetic elements in religion- Summary of religious characteristics
Great Books – A Valuation Statement

A great book one that catalyzes coherent thought, period. The more coherently a book catalyzes thought, the less I want to put it down.
Ecclesiastes 2:9-11 Experiment Complete and All was Vanity

9 Then I became great and increased more than all who preceded me in Jerusalem The experiment comes to an end and all three parts of the exercise are restated; Vanity of Wisdom, Knowledge, Madness, and Folly, Vanity of Physical Stimulation, and Vanity of Increasing Wealth. An argument can be made that these things do […]
Ecclesiastes 1:12-13b – The Experiment – Exploring Value in What Can Be Done

12 I, the Preacher, have been king over Israel in Jerusalem. Authority to speak, to be heard as a counselor, is reasserted. Solomon was said to have “32 … spoke 3,000 proverbs, and his songs were 1,005.” Solomon’s wisdom and discernment were in the mind in post exilic Israel. Referring to Solomon grabs the attention […]
Sales or Marketing: How Should the Church Function?

Our task is to yield to the Spirit in such a way as to display the “Imago Dei”, image of God in us. It is Christ who attracts. It is God’s work that we believe.
Moses Prayer to God: Can There Be a Better Prayer?

By prayer we can all ask this same question, “let me know Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight”. As I have thought for the last bit, I can not think of a more basic prayer,